
Computational Spatial Investigations

This portfolio item is an artistic curation of projects on computational spatial investigations. Each image is a representative “snapshot” of a personal project and is framed in a gallery format. All projects use one or more algorithmic techniques in a variety of software platforms. For example, they include 3DsMax and MaxScript, Processing API, Adobe Suite, Rhino 3D, Revit, and other.

Algorithm Design
Project A: Conceptual Design and Fabrication of Tower Houses

Algorithmic generation of shortest vertical paths connecting a configuration of 3D voxels acting as spaces. The spaces (voxels) are sampled from a predefined 3D bounding box for k = 1, 2, …, 15 levels. The algorithm uses Branch & Bound search to calculate the shortest vertical paths from a voxel in level 1 to a voxel in level 15. However, each path connects the initial and target locations by passing through intermediate locations at every level.

Project B: Conceptual Design with Truncated Polyhedra

Algorithmic generation of a large-scale physical installations by aggregating truncated polyhedra. There are 6 types of polyhedra in total, from the most opaque to the most visible interiors. The polyhedra with visible interiors can host a variety of uses, such as special lightning design or selected plants. The algorithm’s rules are additive. For each polyhedra placed in 3D space, the rules decide which polyhedra type to place next to that to achieve a desired arrangement.

Descriptions of more projects will be added soon…

Project Information

Independent Projects: Computational Spatial Investigations.
Year: 2010-2015