Title of Talk: "Computing with Rules vs Computing with Data"
Peer-reviewed conference publication: "Evaluation of Architectural Synthesis Using Generative AI: A Case Study on Palladio's Architecture"
Interdisciplinary research-oriented course on the foundations, use and prospects of computing in design
Title of Talk: "The Generative in Design, Science and Technology"
Title of Talk: "Calculating the Built Environment"
Publication of the book chapter: "Arrangements Containing Shapes: Mathematical Features and their Use in Visual Calculating"
Teaching and curriculum development on artificial intelligence
The BLACK city Astrolabe is a digital database and a physical data sculpture
Publication of the journal article: “Analysis of shape grammars: continuity of rules”
Publication of the journal article: “SHREC’21: Quantifying Shape Complexity”
Track: "Quantifying Shape Complexity," at the 2021 Eurographics Workshop Series on 3D Object Retrieval
Publication of the journal article: “Structure from appearance: topology with shapes without points”
Competition entry on urban and landscape design for the Salina Municipal Park in Cyprus
Development and teaching of the course "Research in Design Computing" at the Boston Architectural College
Independent projects exploring the use of code in 3D spatial design
Finalist architectural competition entry for NASA’s Centennial Challenge: 3D Printed Habitat on Mars
Computational methods for computing gridshells and trusses in equilibrium for architectural design applications
Architectural competition entry for the Berlin Award 2016 "Heimat in der Fremde" for innovative projects responding to the refugee housing crisis
Awarded architectural competition entry on the recreation and revival of public spaces in Greece
Research on the organization of architectural practice from an information-processing perspective
Research project investigating the formal decomposition of House El Even Odd