Computing Optimal Trusses
April 14, 2015
This application generates optimal Mitchell trusses. It uses the Processing API for graphics, geometry, and GUI. The implementation builds on a geometric solution for computing optimal trusses in their symmetric form. Specifically, the forces are at two fixed points along the same vertical line and a point load in between the supports at a fixed distance.
The following paper describes the underlying geometric process for computing optimal trusses.
A. Mazurek, W.F. Baker, C. Tort. (2011). “Geometrical aspects of optimum truss like structures.” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 43.
The application provides a parametric framework for generating a design space of Mitchell trusses. According to the parameters, a designer can calculate 21 trusses in total. The parameters are: h, the distance between the supports, L the distance between the supports and the load at the tip of the structure, and n the number of linear members.
I developed this application in Spring 2015 during the first offering of 4.s48 Computational Structural Design and Optimization. The class is taught by Prof. Caitlin Mueller at the MIT Department of Architecture.
For implementation details, please read the PDF writeup in the project’s Github repository. See also the implementations of the Force Density Method and Particle Spring Systems for form-finding of shell structures.